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Senator Barack Obama for the Democrats and the New Mexico Governor Mike Huckabee for the Republicans came out on top at the Iowa Caucuses. Obama beat out his competition with 38% of the vote while 2nd for the Democrats was John Edwards with 30% and Hillary Clinton with 29%. The Democrats are voting for either change or experience while the Republicans are voting on Religion so far. Now the race goes to New Hampshire where Obama and Clinton seemed to be locked in a dead heat while Republican John McCain has the lead on his side of the political spectrum. Obama seems to appeal to the younger vote. In Iowa 57% of all people under 30 voted for him. About 225,000 Democrats turned out and 120,000 republicans showed up to the Iowa caucus, doubling from last year. Being a first time voter in this next election I am watching the caucuses and primaries closer than I ever have. Along with other young people I am leaning towards Obama and his promise of change. I believe its time for something new in the White House. His lack of experience I see as an area left open for the best advisers to watch him. I do not like Hilary Clinton because of her traditional views and almost too much experience in Washington. I like John Edwards but not as much as Barack Obama. Put those two together as running mates and I would know exactly who I was voting for. As far as republicans, their mishaps and money they have do not appeal to me. Any man who is rich enough to fund his own campaign will not support taxing the wealthy and therefor I will not support them