Friday, November 30, 2007
He's Two Timing You Again Hillary
Friday, November 16, 2007
Barry...You Can't Do That
Article from
Barry Bonds the current holder of the all time home runs ever and in a single season has be indicted on charges of perjury. In 2003 Bonds said he had never knowingly taken performance enhancing drugs. Now the grand jury doesn't believe him and has him booked under 4 counts of perjury and 1 count of obstruction of justice. Bonds recently tested positive for steroids and now he is in big trouble. Bonds is looking and a possible 5 years in jail for perjury and 10 for obstruction of justice. His personal trainer was jailed a year ago after not cooperating with lawyers on whether or not he injected Bonds with steroids. He was recently released from jail. I think a year in jail finally got to him and now he is squealing on Bonds. President Bush even commented on Bonds situation saying that it was "a sad day in baseball." Bonds is not going to be back with the giants next year and may not return to baseball after breaking the all time home run record this year. Don't want to push your luck Mr. Bonds? I am personally glad he got caught, we all knew he was taking steroids, now we have the proof. A man can't grow 4 inches and 3 shoe sizes and 50 pounds when he is 35 unless there is and outside variable that is giving him some help. I hope Bonds' records are taken away from him, he doesn't deserve them. Hank Aaron broke the record fair and square and roided up Bonds should not carry that title of home run king.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Finally!!! Iraq Death Count Going Down
Article from
October has been the best month fro troops since March 2006 when 31 Americans died. So far in October 37 Americans have died. Military officials don't want to declare victory just yet, fearing it could get worse again. But wait, didn't we already declare "Mission Accomplished"? Also good news is that the Iraqi civilian death count has gone from 1,990 in the beginning of the year to 844 now. Sectarian violence and battles with insurgents has gone down steadily since the war started in March 2003. Generals haven't declared this a turning point in the war, they are waiting for Iraqi officials to create a more politically stable government. Also declining is the number of roadside bombs, attacks, car bombs, and terrorist actions against the new Iraqi Security Force. Key factors for this great news have been credited to the 30,000 U.S. troop surge, the cease fire of a Shiite militia, and progress in fighting the Sunni led al-Qaeda. Iraqi's including Sunnis are seeing that al Qaeda is not the right group and are begging to reject them in tribal regions where they thrive. Also starting to step up is the Iraqi Security Force, they are forgetting old hatreds and are working together to better both of theirs' country. Economic improvement for both Shiite and Sunni neighborhoods have led to a better quality of life and more support for new government.
I think we need to give our hats off to the Iraqis. They are starting as a whole to come together and make progress in their country. They are putting aside differences and starting to make real progress. Also it seems President Bush's troop surge seem to have paid off. But I won't be convinced of a calming down of violence in Iraq until a few more months of low casualties have taken place.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
No Gas for Gaza
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back in Pakistan
Article from
The ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto made her return to Pakistan last week after leaving in self imposed exile for eight years. Huge crowds of people greeted her when she arrived. She vows to return to power and restore democracy to Pakistan and remove its image as a safe zone for terrorists. This is great news for the U.S. and our search for Bin Laden. The current leader isn't doing enough in the tribal regions where he is most likely hiding. He also hasn't allowed our troops to enter Pakistan. I think Bhutto will be very helpful in the fight against terrorism in that region. The people seem to love her and she seems to be Pro-America. Bhutto is planning on running for re-election or accepting a power-sharing deal with current President Musharraf. Musharraf is suffering from approval ratings almost as good as Bush's and a deal with Bhutto would allow him to stay in power. The USA for now continues to support Musharraf but I think only because he is in power for now and we need his help fighting terrorist. However the U.S. and Bhutto are criticizing him for his handling of the tribal regions of Pakistan where al-Quida still thrives. Bhutto would do a much better job in Pakistan than Musharraf, she is a woman leading an Islamic country, which in itself is a major step in closing the gap between Western Nations and Islamic, and she is Pro-Democratic. Setting up a democracy in the Middle East also makes the West seem less far away to them so extremist won't grow in those nations to hate the West if they are more like us.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Nobel Peace Prize goes to... Al Gore
Article from
For his work on informing all of us has earned Al Gore and some of his associates the Nobel Peace Prize. I think Gore is very deserving of this award, he has raised the awareness of global warming with no personal gain from doing it. He donated half of the $1.5 million reward to raising awareness even more. Gore is trying to change the way we think in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. President Bush said he was happy for Gore and the other scientists but would not put a mandatory cap on greenhouse gas emissions. I wonder what it would be like if Gore had won the election back in 2000. I think the country would be in much better shape than it is now, and we would be greener also. Many think that Gore would use this to announce he was running for president. Top advisers of Gore confirmed this but said he wouldn't run because Hillary Clinton is too strong to be stopped. However is she starts to slip up he would consider joining the race. I personally hope she slips up I want Al Gore to be my next president. He has been called the leading environmental politician in world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) is thrilled with the recognition they are getting through Al Gore. Along with the Peace Prize Gore has received two Oscars and an Emmy. Its very good to see that people are getting recognized for doing the right thing like Al Gore is doing. I hope we can put this man in office, I would be proud of my government once again with him leading us.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Race to the Moon...Again
Article from
50 years after NASA was first created during a time when a heated space race between the United States and the Soviets a new one is warming up. A NASA administrator said that China will most likely be able to put a man on the moon before the U.S. could get back. NASA's goal is to put a man on the moon by 2020. China will probably beat that. Even though the U.S. is more technologically advanced than China it doesn't have the political will power behind it. The goal of 2020 was set 16 years before its supposed to happen, twice as long as the deadline Kennedy set and this is the 21st Century. We've been there before it can't be that hard to follow the old blue prints of the Apollo mission rockets and send an identical rocket with updated technology to the moon. We have the technology just not the budget and support behind it. It would be very embarrassing for China to win the race to a place we've already been to. Other NASA officials saying that they are not in a competition with anyone and have long range goals and putting a man on the moon again is not one of them. They are looking at lunar bases and a new shuttle for when the fleet retires. Even though I agree that NASA should focus on long range goals I think that putting a man on the moon again before China would have a lot of pride behind it and bring the country to support NASA and the space program more. Right now support is low with the loss of Columbia and all the delays from falling foam.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Chaos in Myanmar
Chaos erupted in Myanmar, commonly known as Burma after months of protest of their militaristic government. The military started using deadly force to disperse crowds and reports that as many as 35 bodies were already lined up in the streets with people praying over them. The anti-government protests were relatively peaceful with thousands monks dressed in red ropes leading a march a few days ago. The military insists it is using rubber bullets but with 35 people already dead I find that hard to believe. Also restrictions have been place that put in effect a curfew for all and making it illegal for more than five people to gather in one place at a time. Hearing this I am even more grateful for living in this great country and its' freedoms. The government of Myanmar also cut Internet connections to the whole country because video of the violence were surfacing and they don't want that. Officials for Myanmar said they were provoked into fighting but its doubtful when their opposition is a bunch of monks. Myanmar held elections in 1990 but the militaristic regime refuses to acknowledge the leaders chosen and arrested him. I am so glad I live in a country with freedom to do what I please. I believe everyone in the world should enjoy this freedom. Totalitarian governments can only last so long before the voice of the people finally say they have had enough of their rules and terror and overthrow the government. I think the U.S. should lend the protesters a hand and make it public, showing the world we support democracy everywhere and we don't always have to use our military to support it but that we have other means also.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Iceland Going Green
Friday, September 14, 2007
President Bush Addresses the Nation

Doug's Blog #2
Article "Bush: 5,700 troops to return home by Christmas" from
President Bush addressed the nation in prime time last night to announce the beginning of troop pullouts. The conditions in Iraq have improved enough since the troop surge to bring troops home. 5,700 troops would be home by Christmas and another 30,000 by next July making 15 active combat units in Iraq as opposed to 20. Sectarian violence has gone down enough that the president feels they are no longer need or there presence in causing problems. I hope that he has good information on this and that its the best possible solution. I don't want to start bringing troops home just to see violence rise again. Hopefully the Iraqi's will see this as we aren't planning anything permanent in their country and were just there to help and once they are safe we will leave them alone. But some extremist may see this as a victory and celebrate the retreat of the Americans'. We definitely don't want Iraq to turn into a Vietnam. Bush also said that whether your democrat or republican, for or against the war that all Americans should come together for this cause and support the troops. I can't agree more with that statement, people should support the troops no matter what they are just following orders it wasn't their choice to go.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Progress in Iraq is Slow, But it's Progress
Doug's Blog #1
Article "Report finds little progress in Iraq" from
When Congress set a war-spending bill in May they put the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in charge of keeping track of the money and making sure it's used for progress towards Iraq. The report they just gave shows the so far 11 of the 18 goals have not been met and 4 were only partially met. I think that we as a country don't have enough patients for the Iraqi's. Were in the age of microwaves and fast food where everything is the way we want it right when we want it. The spending bill and goal were set back in May of this year! It hasn't even been half a year and Congress is criticizing that the war and troop surge are failing. Give it some time. You can't expect a war torn country to be westernized in a few years. Sure one can say that we shouldn't even be in Iraq but the fact is we are and we need to stay there until the job is done. I think that meeting 3 of the 18 goals is good for 5 months. The goals they did meet were, ensuring rights of the minorities in their government, set up security stations in Baghdad, and setting up commitees working on insuring security in Baghdad. It sounds to me like they are well on their way to a successful democracy. Giving power to the people and equal representation in their government. Securing Baghdad will serve as a model for the rest of the country to follow. American's need to stop being so cridical of the way and looking at the negatives always and look at some of the postive things going on.