Sunday, October 28, 2007

No Gas for Gaza

In order to prevent rocket attacks from Hamas militants the Israeli Government is restricting oil shipments to Gaza. The Palestinian human rights group fears this will create a humanitarian crisis and is appealing the decision to the Israeli Supreme Court. The power plant in Gaza runs on fuel so eventually they will run out and there will be no power in Gaza. The Israelis promise it won't turn into a humanitarian crisis by still supplying hospital's and other crucial places with fuel. Hopefully this action will stop rocket attacks at Israel. The United Nations didn't like Israel's decision and doesn't think sanctions are necessary on Palestine. Some Palestinians are already living on emergency food rations and fear is that this will make their situation worse.
I think even with the possible humanitarian crisis Israel is doing the right thing as long as they provide enough of the basic necessities. Israel's #1 priority should be its people and right now their life is in danger from extremist in Gaza. They have violated Israel's sovereignty and Israel has the right to defend itself. If Palestine doesn't want a crisis of its people they need to learn how to control them first. The UN needs to also realize that Israel is protecting itself and needs to support Israel. A peacekeeping force in Gaza would be a very good solution to everyone's problem.

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