Monday, October 15, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize goes to... Al Gore

Article from

For his work on informing all of us has earned Al Gore and some of his associates the Nobel Peace Prize. I think Gore is very deserving of this award, he has raised the awareness of global warming with no personal gain from doing it. He donated half of the $1.5 million reward to raising awareness even more. Gore is trying to change the way we think in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. President Bush said he was happy for Gore and the other scientists but would not put a mandatory cap on greenhouse gas emissions. I wonder what it would be like if Gore had won the election back in 2000. I think the country would be in much better shape than it is now, and we would be greener also. Many think that Gore would use this to announce he was running for president. Top advisers of Gore confirmed this but said he wouldn't run because Hillary Clinton is too strong to be stopped. However is she starts to slip up he would consider joining the race. I personally hope she slips up I want Al Gore to be my next president. He has been called the leading environmental politician in world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) is thrilled with the recognition they are getting through Al Gore. Along with the Peace Prize Gore has received two Oscars and an Emmy. Its very good to see that people are getting recognized for doing the right thing like Al Gore is doing. I hope we can put this man in office, I would be proud of my government once again with him leading us.

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